Contact Us
Local Used Cars > Contact Us
Please read this information below before contacting us
Please remember that when contacting Local Used Cars, we have no contact with any business listed on this site, we only offer information on the location of the Training Centre / Course and can not offer any information on courses of any kind.
If there is a comment on the site that would like to be removed you MUST browse to the listing where the comment is located and under the comment you will find a 'report comment' link. Fill in form and click submit once.
If you want a listing updated do not use the form below, instead browse to your listing within our site and located under the address is a link called "Update listing"
If you would like your listing to be delete do not use the contact form, instead browse to your listing and located under the address is a link called "Delete Listing"
If you still need to contact us please send a e-mail to jp @
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